Tradewind Finance Receives “Company of the Year” Award from Business Connect

“Tradewind Finance’s admirable growth and differentiating factors drew [the] attention of Business Connect”

This sentiment is enclosed in the top award Tradewind Finance recently received: “Company of the Year”. The honor was given to them by Business Connect, a publication that serves senior-level executives, entrepreneurs, and investors.

The magazine’s recent cover story, which features Peter Maerevoet, Tradewind’s Global CFO and the Regional CEO for Asia, helps reveal what made Tradewind the top contender for the award. The firm provides cross-border trade finance to small and medium-sized enterprises, which make up 90% of the world’s businesses. Its financing solutions remained a constant source of capital during the pandemic and are intended to continue delivering liquidity for SMEs in the future.

As the feature points out, Tradewind sets itself apart through the flexibility it affords companies who have the potential to grow, but lack the resources to do so. Tradewind largely focuses on financing exporters and manufacturers in emerging markets and uses a financing model that eliminates collateral and rigid borrowing criteria.

Tradewind is honored to have received the award and will continue to live up to what it represents.

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